The complete septic system solution.

Scycle doesn't just treat waste in your tank like other septic products, it also treats your pipes, drain field, and everything between. Because backups don't usually start in the tank. 

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Breakthrough technology


Scycle’s innovative Oxygen Release™ Technology infuses solid and liquid waste with molecular oxygen, hyper-activating larger aerobic microorganisms that quickly and thoroughly reconstitute waste.

Our powerful formula accelerates waste breakdown by lifting it in a natural turbulent cycle, exposing more waste to natural bacteria, acids, and enzymes.

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Cleaner septic systems start with Scycle.


Scycle naturally creates an aerobic environment in your tank, stopping odors at the source while dissolving common forms of household waste, including sludge, grease, and paper.

+Better Backup Prevention*

+Stops Odors at the Source


*Always have your system regularly checked and pumped by a professional

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Scycle found a way to dissolve the sludge enough to allow for drainage to continue where all others failed, saving me hundreds
— Thomas W.
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Like a detox for your pipes

Because backups often begin in pipes and drain fields from mineral deposit buildup, you need a septic treatment that cleans your entire system. Scycle does just that. 

+ Dissolves Mineral Buildup

+ Helps Maintain Constant Flow

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Our Roots

Scycle might be new for household use, but for years it's been reducing waste in dirtier and smellier places than your home septic tank. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Having questions is a good thing. Why? Because you learn more when asking tough questions and getting down to the facts. And we like facts.